Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
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Development of Teaching-Learning Censors and Transducer Online Modules on the Education of Electrical Engineering State University of Malang Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering

  29 Apr 2019 - 06:02 pm (6 year ago)
  Content Language : English
Category  : Journal


Vol 7 No 1 (2013): Transforming Teaching and Learning through ICT Optimization

Suwasono Suwasono, Hari Putranto, Mahfud Jiono
State University of Malang



Curriculum Year 2012 of Electrical engineering for Electronic expertise program, obligate all students on Bachelor and Diploma study program of Electrical Engineering Education to learn, understand, master, and also test a variety of censors and transducers. But in fact, some students said that there are too many subject material for censors and transducers which must be mastered. Some students also said that they need more time to do practical work, censors and transducers. This reason caused the number of practiced jobsheet in campuss has not covered yet all variety of censors types that are listed in the competency base material censor and transducer in Electrical Engineering syllabus. It is because there is a gap in students’ abilities to understand the basic concept of censor and transducer.

Based on the initial observation, it is required interactive learning online media to help and meet the needs of students who found difficulties in learning censors and transducers. In order to support an active and innovative learning process, a print module and a web-based online module are recommended as well as structured censor and transducer jobsheet that can be accessed by online.

Online learning is an effective approach to format a virtual classroom, where teachers can still deliver their teaching material within distance. This research aims to solve problems in practical censors and transducers learning in School of Electrical Technic Faculty of Engineering Malang State University, by developing censor and transducer online module. It is expected could enhance students’ learning achievement in censor and transducer learning takes.

The development resulted a print teaching module for lecturer’s guidance and online print teaching module in jobsheet form for students. The module contains explanation about transducer temperature censor, style or pressure censor, light censor, and proximity censor.

The author used development model which was modified from Sugiyono and Borg & Gall. adapted to the field experience. The research’s steps are used as follows: (1) Needs analysis,(2) Data collection, (3) Poduct design, (4) Product development, (5) Product validation, (6) Product revision, (7) Field test, (8) Product revision, and (9) Final product.



Development of Teaching-Learning Censors and Transducer Online Modules on the Education of Electrical Engineering State University of Malang Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering.pdf

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