Web 3.0 and Its Accompanying Changes Upon Distance Learning in Universities
Content Language : English
Vol 5 No 1 (2011) Acceleration and Improvement of the Quality and Quantity of Education Through the Provision of ODL Programs in SEA Countries
Diki Diki
Jasrial Jasrial - Universitas Terbuka
Susy Puspitasari - Universitas Terbuka
Yos Sudarso - Universitas Terbuka
Web 3.0 is defined as the third generation of evolution of the web, regarding the way of organizing and retrieving data. Field of application of the Web 3.0 includes, among others, semantic web and open educational resources (Giustiani, 2007). The important point of Web 3.0 is that it requires a more active student's participation. Students are involved in creating reusable learning materials which are shared in the web. Therefore, learning materials tend to be open source and exchanged freely across institutions, such as the open educational resources (OER). The openness may result in more collaboration among institutions, especially in open universities (Bidarra & Carlos, 2007).
The paper aims at exploring the theory of knowledge building (Scardamalia & Berciter, 2006) and the theory of computer-supported collaborative learning (Stahl, 2006; Ma, 2008). Both theories relies on utilizing the online computer network as a media where the learning process takes place. Those are considered as relevant underlying learning theories that may serve as underlying foundation to the potential of the Web 3.0
In addition, there was an example of an experiment by Universitas Terbuka to utilize wild in an online tutorial. Although it was not an ideal example of the Web 3.0, it required students to acitvely participate in jointly writing a paper, so that they build content together. However, students are not yet understand the advantages of the intemet and also its requirements, to maximize the full potential of the technology. As a result, some initiatives must be taken to ensure students preparedness to take part in the collaboration, and taking advantages of the online learning method. In addition, open source learning material may be modified by students. Thus, there should be some ways for overcoming the problems and improving learning process.
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