SEAMEO QITEP in Language
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization


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Proceeding of The 9th AISOFOLL

  12 Jul 2019 - 02:11 pm (6 year ago)
  Content Language : English
Category  : Language

AISOFOLL 9 yang mengusung tema “Bringing Multiliteracies to Language Teaching” dilaksanakan pada tahun 2018 oleh SEAMEO QITEP in Language. Prosiding ini berisi seluruh artikel yang dipresentasikan dalam simposium tersebut beserta sesi tanya jawabnya.


This is the proceeding of the 9th AISOFOLL with the theme “Bringing Multiliteracies to Language Teaching” which was held in 2018 by SEAMEO QITEP in Language. All question and answer sessions as well as abstracts and full papers are included in this book. 


Proceeding of The 9th AISOFOLL

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